the muggies are back

7.7.20 ~ tall meadow rue
Connecticut College Arboretum, New London, Connecticut

After all my kvetching on the last post a lovely day followed and we grabbed the opportunity for another early morning walk. Having visited the arboretum in early May and early June, we decided to see what might be blooming in early July. Fewer flowers but a lot more greenery.

The local weather forecaster has announced that “the muggies are back.” Dewpoints in the 70s! Tropical air is upon us and we might get a tropical depression storm Friday and Saturday. So glad we grabbed this walk when we had the chance. Enjoy!

The Bee is not afraid of me.
I know the Butterfly —
The pretty people in the Woods
Receive me cordially —

The Brooks laugh louder
When I come —
The Breezes madder play;
Where mine eye thy silver mists,
Wherefore, Oh Summer’s Day?

~ Emily Dickinson
(The Poems of Emily Dickinson, #113)

We didn’t see any “pretty people,” but felt the presence of fairies at every turn. No birds, except for one catbird who was so busy he was out of sight before I thought to try and get its picture.

tall meadow rue
red clover

O sweet the dropping eve, the blush of morn,
The starlit sky, the rustling fields of corn,
The soft airs blowing from the freshening seas,
The sunflecked shadow of the stately trees,
The mellow thunder and the lulling rain,
The warm, delicious, happy summer rain,
When the grass brightens and the days grow long,
And little birds break out in rippling song!

~ Celia Thaxter

common mullein

Please note: I haven’t posted any pandemic statistics since June 17 because many have said dwelling on the numbers produces anxiety. But for me it has the opposite effect. The numbers are a picture of the reality which keeps my imagination from running wild and panicking. I like to know what I’m up against and how best to proceed. And lately I’ve been struggling to cope with my fears. Maybe it’s because I stopped paying attention to the facts. So when I record the latest statistics in my posts, at the end sometimes, please don’t feel obliged to read them. They’re mainly for my own sanity!

We now have 135 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our town. Our county (New London) has 1,304 confirmed cases. Of those 1 is still in the hospital and 102 have lost their lives. The last number (102) hasn’t changed since June 17, so our county hasn’t had any deaths in weeks. One thing that reminded me to start checking the statistics again is that on Tuesday, on the local news, they announced that Connecticut had its first day ever with no COVID-19 deaths reported state-wide. Our governor has a well-deserved 78% approval rating. He recently decided that bars will not be opening on July 20 even though we’re doing well. He cited what’s been happening in other states when they open their bars. I am grateful for his leadership.

14 thoughts on “the muggies are back”

  1. The muggies are here, too. It’s very oppressive. I enjoyed your walk, very much. Such beautiful sights. Thank you. 🙂 The numbers help me, too. I suppose it gives me a feeling of control. I like to be informed. The facts and figures help. Stay safe and well, Barbara. <3

    1. Thank you, Robin! It’s good to know it’s not just me who makes good use of the numbers. The dew point here this morning is 72° — ugh. Tropical Storm Fay is on her way. (I find the dew point number tells me more about my comfort level than the relative humidity number.) 🙂

  2. “Wherefore, Oh Summer’s Day?” I like that line. I ask it in my own way whenever I venture outside into the blast furnace that is our summer right now. Your photos are pretty and soothing to see. I check our county’s Covid-19 stats every day too. Like you, knowing the numbers keeps me focused and calm.

    1. “Wherefore, Oh Summer’s Day?” It sounds almost Shakespearean, doesn’t it? It’s good to know you are also a number checker. So happy you enjoyed the photos! It’s so muggy here I sometimes feel like we’re living in a dryer vent. And now for a tropical storm. If we lose power (air-conditioning) things will not be pretty around this place.

  3. I am a stats addict, and not in recovery, Barbara, so am understanding your need to study the numbers. It also makes me feel–calmer? More in control? More informed with the facts? However, sometimes fall off the cliff and look at the numbers too often during the day. Then it doesn’t feel healthy. The fairies in your pictures are probably blessing you with calm every time you walk by.

    1. Oh, Kathy, I seem to remember you writing an interesting post about your fascination with blogging statistics a few years ago. I think feeling informed is the main thing with me. It makes the reality a bit more clear, rather than fueling a nebulous dread. Have not checked more than once a day, though, usually once every few days. Before writing this post I went for 3 weeks without checking, thinking it would help, but I only got more anxious. I also want to record these numbers for posterity. (Always thinking of my descendants!) My son is supposed to preserve this blog, after my demise, for future generations.

    1. That’s the thing about summer, the bugs and muggies are awful but the flowers and fairies are delightful and plentiful! 🙂

  4. That Emily Dickenson poem gives me goose bumps in all the right ways. That and your photos – perfection. Our birds have been particularly noisy the last couple of weeks, and we have to refill the bird feeder every day. The squirrels seem to be screaming every morning at 6 when i sit on the porch and watch their antics. What are they up to? I think it’s the smaller red/brown squirrels that make so much noise.
    The statistics are hopeful. Smart governor – don’t rush things! We are hoping to have a memorial service for my mom the end of this month in DE – and crossing fingers hard.

    1. Pam, I just spotted your comment in my spam queue ~ so sorry. I really have to check it more often. It just happened to one of Ally’s comments recently. Wonder what’s going on here!?!

      Thank you for loving my photos. ♡ Sounds like the birds and squirrels are enjoying a great summer in your garden! I used to enjoy watching squirrel antics in the trees at my father’s house, especially when a red squirrel mother was encouraging her little ones to jump from the tree branch onto the roof of the house. They weren’t quite ready to take the leap. 🙂

      I am thinking of you and praying all goes well for your mother’s memorial service. Travel safely! *hugs*

      1. The squirrels are “characters,” no doubt about it. When I sit and watch them early a.m., they squabble and chase each other and seem to be having a heck of a good time.
        Thanks for your hugs and good wishes. xo

        1. We can learn a lot from our squirrel friends. They work hard to put aside food for the winter yet manage to balance that with plenty of time for recreation and squabbling with the neighbors…

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