different answers

“Meditation” by Odilon Redon
“Meditation” by Odilon Redon

Why not let people differ about their answers to the great mysteries of the Universe? Let each seek one’s own way to the highest, to one’s own sense of supreme loyalty in life, one’s ideal of life. Let each philosophy, each worldview bring forth its truth and beauty to a larger perspective, that people may grow in vision, stature and dedication.
~ Algernon David Black
(Universal Nexus: Secret Notes on the Sum of Life)

20 thoughts on “different answers”

  1. Hi,
    What a great painting, you don’t realize how much is actually in this painting until you look closely. 4 boats that I can see, the lighthouse on the Island, building, it really has a lot of work put into this, beautifully done.

    Great words of wisdom as well, a lovely post.

    1. Thanks, Mags… I didn’t notice the lighthouse until you pointed it out. 🙂 This must be why people gaze at paintings for long periods of time – a quick glance and we miss the details…

  2. Ah yes, different answers, but none of them wrong, all decided upon by each individual. What a great sense of ease I feel, in knowing there is no right and no wrong! And a beautiful painting too, as Magzx2 said, there’s more to it than first meets the eye. 🙂

    1. “Unity in diversity” has become one of my catch-phrases – it seems as if the more we embrace our differences the more connected we feel to others. When we start thinking in terms of right or wrong we get polarized and rigid… Now if I could only apply this principle to my politics! 🙂

  3. Is it morning, or is it sunset? Are those clouds the end of a passing rain shower, or one yet to come? Being all the same size and shape, are they local fishing boats for food for families, or used by a summer camp for children to teach them how to manage the waters? Is that a Silo or a religious symbol on the remote island, or is that an island at all or perhaps an extension of the land we see in the distance? Ah the discussions this could bring over a Sunday morning coffee out back enjoying the birds, or perhaps laying in bed with the paper listening to soft soothing music?
    Depends on one’s point of view. 🙂

    1. Interesting – Mags sees a lighthouse, you see a silo, and I didn’t even notice the structure! (But that is often the case with me, Mr. Logic, I’m struck by the mood more than the details…) We all experience art, poetry, life and the divine slightly or very differently, observing the world through our various lenses, and all interpretations are valid and to be honored, with the fascinating differences to be shared, savored and appreciated by us all. ♥ (Looking forward to that Sunday morning coffee!)

  4. I love the poem and painting. Beautiful and calm. The poem touches the heart like it knows what yearns. I like this words the most, “Let each seek one’s own way to the highest, to one’s own sense of supreme loyalty in life, one’s ideal of life. ” We all need to follow our own path and not what others tell us. Take care and have a blessed day my friend….

    1. Amen, my friend, we do need to follow our own paths and not be taken in by others who think they have answers for us… What a contrast in mood and color the island in this painting has to the tropical island you just visited!

  5. I really enjoyed reading the comments for this post. They really enriched and extended the original post–and I ended up spending a substantial amount of time analyzing the picture. We all do see the world through different lens–and that diversity can increase the richness of everyone’s experiences.

    1. I’m so happy you enjoyed the post and the thoughtful comments, Sheryl. Having a place to share my extensive collection of quotes and spending time looking for the “perfect” image to go with each one has turned into a very rewarding experience for me in the blogosphere, all because of the interesting comments and discussions that happen here. I’m very happy that you’re a part of it!

  6. Oh yes! What a great teaching in this quote. To allow us to have different answers…that they do not have to be the same, from the same perspective we see the world. It feels easy to do this sometimes; not so easy other times. Trying to always move fluidly to see another’s viewpoint. Kinda failed Thursday night when a Tea Party enthusiast began spouting her tea. Kinda excused myself and found other things to do in the kitchen!

    1. LOL! – Yes, indeed, allowing the Tea Party to have different answers is oh so very difficult for me, too. Sometimes a polite retreat to another room and the distraction of housework is the only way to cope. Were you watching her on TV or was she in your house? (I can’t remember if you have TV or not…) I come from a family that shakes their fists and hollers at the TV, as it the person speaking could hear them… Sigh…

      1. It was at Book Club, Barbara. Some day, hopefully some day, my heart will open enough to totally allow for all viewpoints without having to leave the room…

  7. Explore, seek, and never know for sure…

    I’ve tweeted this and put on Facebook, Barbara, as I felt it just had to be shared more!

    1. Wow! That’s a lot of tweets and Facebook links – thank you, Diane! It was wonderful when I got to the stage of my life when finally I realized that I would never know or have all the answers and that it was all right to dwell in the mystery…

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