our four dozen anniversary

May 10, 1975 ~ Tim & Barbara
Ashford, Connecticut

Today we’ve been married for 48 years, or as Tim is saying, it is our four dozen anniversary. πŸŽ• It was a small, down-to-earth and unpretentious wedding, outside, of course, in the garden of a justice of the peace.

Beverly & Barbara

My sister was my maid-of-honor, shown here at the small reception my parents hosted in their back yard. As I’ve mentioned before, my little sister grew up to be taller than me. For a couple of years we were the same height and were often mistaken for twins.

I found it!

While sorting through all our stuff last month I came across my mini wedding album. I hadn’t seen it for years and was happy to discover that it hadn’t been lost as I had assumed.

Tim often introduces me as his first wife, which still makes me smile. His sense of humor is one of the many things I still love about him, after all these dozens of years. πŸ’•

27 thoughts on “our four dozen anniversary”

  1. This is lovely,Barbara! and now you are his last wife too πŸ™‚ And you really ARE lucky to have a man with humor. What bore it must be to live life without silliness and giggles

    1. Thank you, Leelah! I do feel lucky because I tend to be a very serious and sensitive person so that sense of humor is just what I need to keep things in perspective. πŸ™‚

  2. I don’t remember many of the anniversaries we have had over the years, and many were celebrated close but not on the day itself. I do remember with heartfelt fondness the day we got married. We have enjoyed a simple, in touch with nature, life as we have grown older together. I love Barbara very much! πŸ™‚

    1. It was a wonderful day, etched forever in my memory, too. I also recall the sound of thunder rolling in the distance, but the rain never came. πŸ™‚ I love you so much! πŸ’•

  3. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Barbara and Tim❣️

    Funny. When people ask me about this topic I too say β€œmy first husband…”. I wonder if people go to the how many times has she been in married in the judgement thoughts.

    1. I think that I mentioned that I recently moved to a high rise on the bay at a senior independent living community, Barbara. Yesterday one of the residents asked to sit with me in the dinning room. She moved here from Groton, Connecticut! So we had a fun time chatting about where you live now.πŸ˜ƒ

      1. It’s a small world, isn’t it?! Groton has such a transient population because of the Naval Submarine Base. While they were growing up my kids were always making new friends who moved into town and then losing them when they moved away. Is your new friend connected to the military? I’m glad you’re having fun in your new setting. πŸ™‚

        1. Yes. Her husband was on stationed on the navy base. She said it felt like she raised her children without him because he was always gone. She takes all credit for good children now. 😊

          1. I knew quite a few Navy wives over the years and was awed by their strength during those long absences. Sometimes their husbands were out to sea for three months at a time, sometimes for six months. It must be so hard raising children that way. Navy wives do deserve a lot of extra credit.

  4. So glad you found the little wedding book. I love Tim’s long locks! I think having a sense of humor is the secret to a long marriage. Joe’s humor has saved our marriage (and his life) many times.

    1. It’s the same with us, that humor has a way of kicking in at just the right moment. Someone once said that life is too important to be taken seriously — so true. Oh how I miss those long curls!!!

    1. Thank you, Julie! The weather was spectacular, the best spring had/has to offer. πŸ™‚

  5. Congratulations — 40 years is almost half a lifetime, and that’s quite an accomplishment these days! Best wishes on the next 40!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie!! It’s hard to remember a time when Tim wasn’t in my life — I’m so glad he found me. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Eliza! I was always a little jealous of his curly hair! A couple of naive flower children we were, but love was there and made it through the years. πŸ™‚

  6. Congratulations to you and Tim Barbara! I loved seeing the photos – so many nice memories of your 70s wedding and you two made some nice memories in that era and continue to make them through today. Your sister and you could be twins and how funny that Beverly suddenly shot up and was taller than you. I’m glad you found this keepsake album to hold near and dear forever now.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I’ve been feeling very nostalgic about the 70s these days, wistfully longing to go back and relive those pleasant memories when we were so young and healthy…

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