spring is surely coming

“Springtime” by Claude Monet

Oh, spring is surely coming,
Her couriers fill the air;
Each morn are new arrivals,
Each night her ways prepare;
I scent her fragrant garments,
Her foot is on the stair.

~ John Burroughs
(Bird & Bough)

~ spring equinox ~
(5:24 pm eastern time zone)

14 thoughts on “spring is surely coming”

    1. Thank you, Peggy. Yesterday we were out doing errands and it was cold outside but hot inside the car because of that sun getting stronger every day. Spring is in the air!

    1. Stay safe, my friend! No falling on that ice and getting hurt and laid up just before summer comes! 🌷

  1. Thank goodness Spring has arrived, but sadly just on the calendar! I love the Monet painting – perfect to pair with the poem. We have a wintry mix coming tonight but won’t get the 2-3 inches of snow the northern and western counties will be getting.

    1. Everything seems to be blooming down in the North Carolina Botanical Garden — I’ve been enjoying the pictures they’re posting on Facebook. 🙂 Next year I won’t have to wait so long for spring to come! Hope your wintry mix wasn’t too icy. Sigh…

      1. That’s wonderful – what a treat to go see flowers outside so early in the year. Our wintry mix fizzled out but we had rain again – why does it rain in the morning? I realize I could walk in the neighborhood after work, but by then it is late and after seeing the story about the dogs in the neighborhood, I not inclined to do that in the evening. I would never go when it’s not light out either. I just looked to see how far Chapel Hill was from Cary – 22 miles. I have a high school pal who lives in Cary. She showed pics of flowers on Facebook a few weeks ago and pollen too. Apparently there is a lot of tree pollen where she lives – greenish yellow everywhere, but it is short-lived. Meanwhile our landscape continues to be blah.

        1. I prefer walking in the morning, too. There is much less traffic and everything is more peaceful. Afternoons and evenings seem a lot more chaotic with human and vehicular activity. Yeah, I’ve seen pictures of that infamous pollen coating everything in sight, too.

          1. There is nothing like the peace of early morning. Today there was one seagull – blessed peace and quiet. The birds and critters forage more in the morning, filtered sunlight – we are morning people Barbara!

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