wild unconscious depths

9.29.21 ~ Napatree Point

All these phenomena of the natural world fling forth to the human a challenge to be responded to in literature, in architecture, ritual, and art, in music and dance and poetry. The natural world demands a response beyond that of rational calculation, beyond philosophical reasoning, beyond scientific insight. The natural world demands a response that rises from the wild unconscious depths of the human soul. A response that artists seek to provide in color and music and movement.
~ Thomas Berry
(The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future)

The summer crowds are gone and we had a lovely walk at Napatree Point. This time we climbed a side dune and took in some slightly different vistas. I was bundled up in my hoodie while Tim was still in his shorts — it’s that time of year. 🙂

dune grass
Watch Hill Light
breakwater from a different angle
a response that rises from the wild unconscious depths of the human soul

We saw a couple of gulls flying overhead and a couple of cormorants on buoys in the marina, but the beach itself was deserted. Lots of shells.

And there were lots of beach roses still blooming in the dunes, many rose hips and heaps of goldenrod.

After we got back to the car we drove over to find out if there was any way to visit the Watch Hill Lighthouse. It’s a long walk down a private road, but being over 65 has its perks, we were allowed to drive down! So we found out where we could park in the future and then continue walking out to the lighthouse. Watch this space!

29 thoughts on “wild unconscious depths”

  1. What a beautiful place! Thank you for bringing us along. I look forward to touring the lighthouse with you and Tim. I love the Thomas Berry quote, too. I can see why you placed it under the curvy piece of beach. 🙂

    I don’t think the summer crowds leave here anymore. The pandemic seems to have made the beaches a permanent place to go. I’m surprised by how crowded they continue to be. The same was true over the past winter.

    1. It was very nice having you along for the walk, Robin. 🙂 There are so many places I want to squeeze into the month of October, I hope we’ll get back to the lighthouse soon. Maybe it will make a good Walktober post. 😉

      Our little local beach has taken a beating because of the pandemic, too, especially during the endless months when the bars were closed. But Napatree Point is a conservation area with a very long walk to the nearest parking lot so few people go there. Even in the summer it’s not crowded but it’s impossible to find parking then!

    1. Thank you, Donna! I do love the beach in autumn. After the kids left home we used to go to Cape Cod in September to enjoy the national seashore off-season.

    1. Thank you, Frank! I’m glad you enjoyed our little beach walk — it’s a blessing having such a wild place only half an hour away from us.

  2. Perfect quote to begin this journey! Berry seems to have been a wise and conscious person.
    When I walked regularly with Muffin and Riley, camera in hand the process of a walk became an journey in nature I had never experience before.

    I”m glad your both get out there to explore and be one with it all for those brief moments.

    1. Thank you, Jeff! I’m adding more Berry books to my reading (listening) list! You must miss Muffin & Riley so much. I know I miss all your beautiful nature photography that you shared on your blog. Your pictures were a great inspiration to me. Believe me, with all our health problems, I am grateful for each and every moment we can still share on our walks.

  3. Such a lovely beach … and you in a hoodie already?? It’s still blazing hot here in Central Illinois, though we’re being teased by the weather people that changes are on the way. Personally, I’ll be glad for a bit of cooler temperatures!

    1. Oh yes, it’s only in the 60s these days! And always a little breezy and cooler by the water. I love the cool, crisp air and being bundled up in my hoodie. 🙂 I hope you will get some relief from your blazing heat very soon!

  4. What a beautiful walk! It makes me want to take a drive to the beach. It’s only about an hour away be we rarely go. I’ll have to do something about that.

    1. Thank you, Anna! Oh I do hope you go to your beach soon! My niece lives in Florida and often sends me pictures of her beach walks with her dogs. She loves the hot weather.

    1. I do feel blessed to live so close to a beach where I can go and commune with nature and restore my sense of balance and perspective. I hope you’ll get your chance to go to the beach again very soon!

  5. I feel the same way – let’s squeeze in as many walks in Nature as we can, before a hoodie is not enough to keep us warm. Smiling at Tim still in his shorts. Your photos are just glorious.

    1. Thank you, Pam! It’s the same every spring and fall, there’s a period of time when I need my hoodie to keep warm and Tim needs his shorts to stay cool. A bit of an odd couple… but the best times of the year for both of us. ♡

  6. I so much enjoy your beach walk-n-chats! Those slipper shells are pretty and are a very rare find here. Made me smile this morning!

    1. Slipper shells! I never knew what they were called. They are the kind of shell we have the most of here. Thanks for teaching me something new today!

  7. Hey, you’ve been taking a picture of a lighthouse too! Love that phrase “wild unconscious depths” which can be glimpsed both in nature and in the nature of our soul.

    1. The idea of “wild unconscious depths” resonated with me, too. ♡ I’m learning a bit about lighthouses on the Great Lakes from you and another blogging friend near Lake Erie.

  8. That first picture with the sun shining through the leaves – just perfect. I never did get to see beach roses – I think I mentioned that I sent them a Facebook message and said they mentioned beach roses; where are they? They didn’t know. Sigh. Your view of the deserted beach is nice. It looks desolate – all those shells! Do you collect shells Barbara? I’m looking forward to your future post about your devious way of walking out to see the lighthouse – yes age has its perks says someone who turned 65 this year. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Linda! The first picture was my favorite of the day. ♡ That’s too bad you didn’t get to see any beach roses. 🙁 Are there any wild roses native to Michigan? I’ve learned that beach roses are not native to this country but they aren’t invasive, they have become naturalized since the 1700s. I love them. I don’t collect shells but have a couple I keep for decorations, along with different kinds of pine cones. I’ll be 65 in January but for now I can tag along with Tim, who will be 69 in November. 🙂 Enjoy your perks, Linda! 🙂 To the lighthouse!

      1. I don’t think we have any wild roses here in Michigan Barbara, but I could be wrong. I am planning to get out to the Wildlife Preserve this weekend and/or the next as part of a virtual 5K walk. So I’ll look again – we have a very warm week (70s) this week so if they did bloom, maybe *I* can find them! Have fun at the lighthouse – I’ll look forward to the post.

        1. Wishing you luck on your hunt for roses and your 5K walk! Tentatively planning a visit to the lighthouse on Friday.

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