two years old

9.30.16 ~ Katherine painting with water

We had a wonderful vacation week visiting our granddaughter and her parents in North Carolina. Katherine just turned two years old and what a busy little girl she is! So many interests.

9.30.16 ~ morning light

One morning Katherine and I took a walk and sat for a little while and shared an apple. A squirrel started digging a hole for his nut very close to us. Then we watched him race up a tree and come back down with another nut which he buried in another spot. Katherine asked me to pick her up so she could follow him with her eyes, up and down the tree, burying one nut after another in the ground under the leaves. After a while Grandpa Tim found us to tell us breakfast was ready and he took the picture below.

9.30.16 ~ squirrel magic
9.30.16 ~ Katherine got a lot of practice saying “squirrel”
9.30.16 ~ back home for breakfast, purse and cell phone in hand

One day we went to the Museum of Life & Science in Durham…

10.1.16 ~ contemplating mirror images
10.1.16 ~ Katherine loves making friends with animals
10.1.16 ~ Katherine and friend
10.1.16 ~ not sure what kind of animal this one is

Back at home Katherine decided that PB the Penguin needed a walk in her stroller. 🙂

10.1.16 ~ Katherine has PB strapped in well
10.1.16 ~ Katherine and her chicken friends
10.1.16 ~ cute as a button
10.1.16 ~ deer magic
10.1.16 ~ time to take PB the Penguin back home
10.1.16 ~ consulting with Mom about readjusting PB’s safety straps

Needless to say we had a great time on our visit!!!

8 thoughts on “two years old”

    1. It is a such a sweet age, in spite of all the cute little ways to say “no” to the adults in her life! 🙂 When we got on the plane to head home we overheard a little boy, slightly older, saying “why” over and over again. So much to look forward to. 🙂

  1. I’m just catching up on blogs, Barbara, and couldn’t wait to read the one entitled “TWO,” as I guessed its contents, and I was not disappointed. The photos of your granddaughter are lovely. She is lovely, of course, But what I noticed most of all is the joy in your face/frame/posture as you watch, play, and teach your grand little one. I recognize that joy – we grandmoms just get filled up with the happy ‘soul’fullness of our grands, don’t we?

    1. We do indeed, Pam! Whoever coined the phrase “bundle of joy” certainly captured the magical state of being grandparents. Whenever I ate apples I used to think of the times I shared apples with my father, and now there is a new memory of what happened when I shared an apple with my granddaughter. Simple, exquisite joys!

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