so much to say

7.1.16 ~ my gull friend at Eastern Point Beach

Our son and daughter-in-law are visiting us from Georgia. Last night we went down to the beach for supper and a gull came over near to our picnic table. He was resting quietly on the grass for a while, and then he started voicing all kinds of mournful cries. We spoke to him a little bit and then, he stood up. That’s when I noticed his mangled foot and recognized him to be the gull I wrote about last September in this post: a long fine life.

So, he made it through the winter after all!

I had been a little sad I hadn’t seen him until now, fearing he hadn’t survived. But then one of Tim’s ham radio contacts mentioned a gull fitting his description was visiting a dock about a mile up the river. People were feeding him, which they shouldn’t do, but perhaps that’s why he hadn’t been down to the beach.

The gull then walked over to my side of the picnic table and sat down again. I spoke to him for a little while, unable to conceal my excitement over seeing him again. 🙂 I didn’t have my camera but he sat still while I got out my cell phone and snapped this picture.

In the past he would visit us by standing on whichever white post was closest to us. This is the first time he was sitting on the grass. And he vocalized for much longer than he has in the past. I like to think he was telling us about his winter and his plans for the summer.

Finally, he flew off and started hovering over a man with a hot dog in his hand. Still up to his old tricks… It was so good to see him.

20 thoughts on “so much to say”

  1. How thrilling that you’ve seen him again! Glad to hear this. I know a little bit of what you’re feeling, as we felt the same way when our little chipmunk reappeared. Enjoy your 4th of July weekend with family!

    1. I did think of you and your little chipmunk when this was happening, Kathy. It definitely is a thrill when creatures decide to come visit us again. It’s such an honor to be recognized and sought out by gulls and chipmunks!

  2. It’s so much fun to identify individuals in the wild life visitors! One, a deer with a limp, visited our feeder all one winter. I never saw him again once spring came but I like to think he healed and flourished.

    1. What a blessing that must have been for you to see the deer every day and to help him out for a season! It seems a lot of animals have a sense about which humans they don’t need to fear – they must pick up on our energy somehow.

  3. As soon as you mentioned the mangled foot, I knew it was your old friend, Barbara! I believe he did remember you too. I’ve read that Australian Magpies can remember a person who has shown them kindness for many years, so why wouldn’t a seagull do so as well? By the way, I read the book ‘Jonathon Livingston Seagull’ earlier this year – it was brilliant!

    1. I’ve heard the same things about crows – not only do they remember but they somehow pass on the information to their offspring. Amazing what scientists have learned in recent years! It is my belief that all of us, animals and humans, are still evolving. I haven’t read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” since I was a teen but I remember liking it very much.

    1. He is definitely a survivor! (And an inspiration to me to cut down on the complaining about all my aches and pains.)

    1. I’d like to think so, Arti! Since we don’t feed him he must be looking for something else, perhaps companionship, or simply a listening ear. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Robin! I’m happy he came to visit while our son and daughter-in-law were with us – it was a pleasure to introduce him to some of the family. 🙂

  4. This is the best of stories.

    Boyfriend and I are at the beach all the time, and sometimes do see sea denizens that have come to grief – so I now have numbers for marine animal rescues in the near area on my phone. Nothing is worse than seeing an injured creature trying to carry on, trying to maintain its damaged dignity.

    Gulls are so very naughty but I love them so – glad this one pulled through!

    1. You are so right, Aubrey, gulls are very naughty indeed! 🙂 The concession stand has a sign warning that they are not responsible for food stolen by gulls. We guard our meals very closely. But several times a summer we hear the shrieks and wails from children who have had their hot dogs snatched.

      You are an angel to report the injured marine animals you find. We are lucky to have an aquarium and also a nature center nearby who do wonderful rescue and rehabilitation work with creatures who need help. They also work to educate children on what to do if they should find an injured being on the beach or in the woods.

  5. Ah ha I missed this post and the earlier one about the gull with the mangled foot. Amazing that it survived! Now I understand why he allowed you to get so close in the next post.

    1. It is amazing, Rosie – he is definitely one special gull! We went down to the beach for lunch today and didn’t see him but no doubt we will again soon. I feel honored to be his friend.

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