two nephews

February 2015 ~ Dominic, Nate and Julius ~ Kingsland, Georgia
Dominic (left) and Julius (right), with their adored Uncle Nate (center)
photo by Shannon Rodgers

If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder … he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.
~ Rachel Carson
(The Sense of Wonder)

8 thoughts on “two nephews”

    1. An adult who shares that sense of wonder with children plays such an important role in the extended family… Aunts and uncles can make such a difference!

  1. I am thinking about your lovely granddaughter right now and hoping she’ll retain that sense of wonder. Perhaps you’ll assist her in that…

    1. I think Katie will retain her sense of wonder – she is surrounded by people (including four adoring grandparents!) who will keep nurturing it. She’s one lucky little girl. 🙂

  2. I was thinking the same as Kathy, little Kate has come into this life experience “knowing”…her adults will learn so much from her if they help her to always “remember”. Oh the joy of children! There is love in the eyes of Nate and the boys. <3

    1. I have a feeling Katie will love and adore her uncle Nate as much as Dominic and Julius do. 🙂 I wish we all lived closer to each other but in a way that makes each time we see any of our family all the more special. Children do refresh our way of looking at the world!

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