open pathway

1.2.10 ~ Groton, Connecticut
1.2.10 ~ Avery Point

When one soul meets another kindred soul, a great surge of energy rushes through the weaving of the universe as an important connection is made. In the unexplored regions of human consciousness, another light has come on, revealing shared territory. This is the work of dedicated souls on the spiritual path: their individual light illumines the universe for everyone, brings hope, and keeps open the pathway to understanding. This sacred trust is maintained by all who have consecrated their existence to spiritual wisdom; it is a kinship that runs like a golden chain from one age to another. That golden chain comes now into our hands, a sacred trust not only to our ancestors but to our descendants and every inhabitant of the universe. It is our turn to make the next link, trusting that others in turn will complete the circle until the whole cosmos is connected in one bond.
~ Caitlín Matthews
(The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year)

Two years ago on this day, Tim and I drove down to Avery Point to see the beauty of a recent snowfall by the water. I was trying to photograph the lighthouse, framed by a tree’s branches and the blanket of snow. After snapping the shot I looked on the view screen and gasped in surprise! While I had seen orbs in the photos of others before, and was curious about the phenomena, this was the first time orbs had appeared in one of my own photos! And there were so many of them!

As a person who has in the past often gotten myself into trouble by insisting on absolute answers to all questions, this marked one of the first times I was content to accept a gift of mystery and magic from the universe without demanding an explanation, satisfied to embrace not knowing. My intuition has some ideas but I’m not clinging to any particular theory, scientific or mystical.

If you have any orb pictures you’d like to share, please let me know. Perhaps I will post them here on my blog, or link to them on your blog. I have since had a few more pictures with orbs in them, though none as spectacular as this first one!

14 thoughts on “open pathway”

    1. It still fills me with wonder and awe. There are so many sizes and the small really bright makes me very curious about it. Definitely felt “a great surge of energy,” when I saw it…

  1. Orbs are so unexpected and delightful! How lucky you were to capture these. The photo is more than spectacular…it’s filled with spirit. Will you frame it and put it somewhere in your house?

    1. Hmmm… Framing it and hanging it up somewhere in the house is an idea I hadn’t considered… It would certainly be a good conversation piece, and a spiritual reminder for me. You’ve given me something to think about, Kathy – thank you!

  2. I oh-so-agree with Kathy – it’s filled with Spirit.

    (I manually came over to see if you’d been posting…I didn’t receive an email that let me know. I hope you can find me and get me set up with regular email notifications every time you post, I sure don’t want to miss out)…

    1. Yes, indeed, the Great Spirit of the Universe…

      Nate created a different address to send the notifications from so that email programs should no longer discard the notifications as spam. Keeping my fingers crossed that this fix will hold!

  3. These orbs could be anything: crystallized energy descending from the sky; microscopic moons; snow sequins…anything! And to think that you they were attracted to your lens alone.

    1. Oh Aubrey, I love the way your mind works! I felt a surge of energy when I saw them, crystallized energy seems a good way think of them. Little moons of healing energy…

  4. I’ve never seen anything quite as magical as your photo Barbara. I can’t see the lighthouse. I can just see a tree. Have I been sleeping because I’ve never heard of an “orb”?? wow…
    I also agree that you should frame it.

    1. Oh thank you, Rosie! I’m glad you thought it was magical. I think the first time I ever saw an orb in someone else’s photo was in 2009. Then in the summer of 2009 our niece took a picture of us at a memorial for Tim’s stepfather, and there were a couple of small orbs in it, one right over my knee. Started looking around the internet and even bought a book on the subject – there are lots of theories out there but no one knows for sure what they are, except that they started appearing when digital cameras became popular. I think I will frame it!

    1. I’m chuckling, Tracy, because I’m always saying my best photos are happy accidents! Art is forever full of creative energy… You made me think of this quote:

      “It seems to me that those songs that have been any good, I have nothing much to do with the writing of them. The words have just crawled down my sleeve and come out on the page.”
      ~ Joan Baez
      (Living in Grace: The Shift to Spiritual Perception)

    1. Thanks for the link to your copper lily with the orbs, Steve! Gorgeous picture! Your orb theory is interesting and it’s fascinating that they show up out-of-focus, because they are in the background, I am guessing. I don’t know much about photography yet!

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