curiosity and wonder

“The Bridge” by Carl Larsson

While we are born with curiosity and wonder and our early years full of the adventure they bring, I know such inherent joys are often lost. I also know that, being deep within us, their latent glow can be fanned to flame again by awareness and an open mind.
~ Sigurd Olson
(Listening Point)

26 thoughts on “curiosity and wonder”

    1. And Jeff, the inner glow of your curiosity and wonder has been fanned to a beautiful flame, wonderfully expressed in your divine photography!

  1. Barbara, I try to live my life with a sense of wide-eyed wonder. Not only about the big things, but the small, every day wonders.

    The quote and painting are lovely.

    1. Thank you, Sybil… It’s those small, every day wonders that make life worth living, that keep us coming back for more…

  2. Barbara, past few days I have been pondering upon this same topic. But I did not find any answers to some of my questions. Why is it that the inherent joys are often lost after some time? Why is it so that even if you want that freshness to come back to you, it seems impossible. But yes, thanks for telling me here that awareness and open mind is what needed which can help re-gain the glow! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing this Barbara. *smiles*

    1. You’re welcome, Cait! Timely reminders – maybe that is why some of us put so many quotes up on our refrigerators…

  3. Oh I like Carl Larsson I have a work to him… I too, like the paint(painting) with a group of girls, we go to the nature to reproduce a lake, a house at the edge of the channel(canal), the hillsides which surround us
    un petit bonjour de Toulouse ( France)

    1. How wonderful you get to paint outside with your friends, Loula! If your paintings are like your photographs they must be amazing! Carl Larsson is one of my favorite painters and my favorite interior designer. I usually have a Carl Larsson calendar hanging in my kitchen… 🙂

      Quelle merveille que vous obtenez à peindre à l’extérieur avec vos amis, Loula! Si vos peintures sont comme vos photos, ils doivent être incroyable! Carl Larsson est un de mes peintres favoris et mon décorateur préféré. J’ai habituellement un calendrier de Carl Larsson accroché dans ma cuisine … 🙂

    1. 🙂 I love the curiosity possessed by cats – and how I wish I was not allergic to them… Sometimes their body language seems to reveal the thoughts going through their minds!

  4. Barbara, I truly believe this sense of curiosity and wonder never leaves us, is always there, waiting to be rekindled. Maybe one of the gifts of the second part of our life, this rekindling of the flames 🙂

    1. I definitely agree, Colleen, and we’re all curious about something or other, even if not the same things… I kind of felt that turning 50 was a kind of “do-over,” a fresh start. Guess I’m four years old now, and all this rekindled curiosity and wonder is, as you so say, a precious gift.

  5. Well it looks as though my subscription worked because I got a confirming email which brought me back here.

    What an interesting painting. Folks don’t often sit on a bench to paint, the bridge is so small, the cat’s an interesting addition, and i love the yellow flowers on the side.

    1. That’s good news, Rosie! 🙂 Sometimes I think I’m in over my head self-hosting here…

      You know, it doesn’t look like the woman has started painting yet – perhaps she’s sitting, waiting patiently for the person on the bridge to get out of the way. 😉 The curious cat is what I find most enchanting in the scene.

    1. Loula, do you mean the paintings of John William Waterhouse? I love his work, too, and often use his paintings on my blog.

      Loula, voulez-vous dire les peintures de John William Waterhouse? J’aime son travail, aussi, et utilisent souvent ses peintures sur mon blog.

  6. That’s it, Barbara, I like the paints(paintings) of Waterhouse it is a little the dream with his(her) characters thank you for having to use a translator… I am going to make as you to write you… You lived in Great Britain? Of what side so that I can place you on a map?

  7. I have a book on the paints(paintings) of Joaquin Sorolla bought from Gerone in Spain a few years ago…..
    I believe to have understood(included) that you lived in the USA… I have a cousin who lives in Florida

    1. Hi, Loula, I live in the United States in the little state of Connecticut on the east coast. Our little city is Groton in southeastern Connecticut. Florida is a long way from us! Does your cousin like the climate in Florida?

      I just discovered Joaquín Sorolla recently – beautiful paintings! It must be nice to have a book of her paintings. Waterhouse paintings take my breath away…

      *hugs* I’m so happy to have you visiting my blog!

      Salut, Loula, je vis aux Etats-Unis dans le petit Etat du Connecticut sur ​​la côte Est. Notre petite ville est à Groton, dans le sud du Connecticut. La Floride est un long chemin de notre part! Votre cousin, comme le climat de la Floride?

      Je viens de découvrir Joaquín Sorolla récemment – très beaux tableaux! Il doit être agréable d’avoir un livre de ses peintures. Peintures de l’artiste prends mon souffle …

      *câlins* Je suis si heureux de vous avoir visité mon blog!

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