13 thoughts on “of the breeze”

    1. Thanks, Ally. The day I discovered WikiArt everything changed when it came to sharing quotes and poems on my blog. 🙂 I love finding the perfect pairing…

  1. I’ve never read this poem before. Thank you, Barbara, for introducing it to me. As for the photo, she doesn’t look too happy about all those butterflies, does she?!?

    1. You’re welcome, Debbie. 🙂 Each time I open my copy of “The Poems of Emily Dickinson” a new one jumps out at me. The peasant girl looks a little perplexed to me.

  2. Very nice pairing Barbara. I was at Council Point Park a couple of years ago and walking with one of the women there when a Red Admiral Butterfly alighted on my shoulder. She told me about it and I swirled my head and glimpsed part of it. I thought “should I ask her to take a photo of it?” then decided it would probably flit away momentarily. It stayed with me almost an entire loop.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I looked up red admiral butterfly, very pretty. What a treat for you to have the honor and pleasure of its company for a while. Years ago Larisa and I visited the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory in Massachusetts, back before I had a digital camera. It was fun having them land on us. Just checked their website and they’re temporarily closed because one of their staff members tested positive for COVID-19. Sigh…

      1. Yes, it was still another “Park pal” and you know I was kicking myself for not getting that picture. We have a butterfly exhibit like that as well, but it’s not anywhere near me. It’s also has a huge butterfly exhibit which you walk through. One day I would like to visit, likely when retired. That’s such a shame – 2021 is no better than 2020.

        1. Looks like Henri will be a tropical storm and not a hurricane when it makes landfall in Connecticut. Phew! But we’re still making our preparations for a likely power outage.

          Loved the video! There’s something about old New Englanders and the sea. Although Tim & I don’t care for lobster just about everyone we know loves it. When our son and daughter-in-law come up for a visit from Georgia in the summer they take us out to their favorite outdoor dining lobster place by the marina. Luckily Tim & I can order fresh fish and chips!

          1. That’s good – I did hear the news a few hours ago and your Governor was on saying to prepare for power outages. I wonder if some of our Michigan crews will go to help? They finally got the power restored, nine days after the severe weather blew through here on August 11th and August 12th and that was yesterday after working 16-hour shifts. Those poor people. I’ve lost power before, once nearly a week. I was lucky. Hope you and Tim fare well.

            I thought you’d like this video Barbara. I liked the old-time picture of her in the lobster boat. She sure was spry for 101. I would prefer fresh fish and chips to lobster too. When we lived in Canada, we’d get it and the basket would have the newspaper (ugh … now that you think of it and hopefully not bad for you) and the great malt vinegar to sprinkle on the battered cod and the fries.

          2. “Eversource said it has secured more than 300 line crews and 250 tree crews in Connecticut currently with another 620 line crews to be here before the storm’s start on Sunday. The company also said it is working to obtain help from mid-Atlantic states. Eversource is working on bringing in up to 4,000 crews, a record for the company, said Nolan. Nolan said he has canceled vacations for Eversource workers and is preparing the largest response to a storm he has seen.”
            Eversource is the biggest power company in Connecticut, followed by United Illuminating. But some of the smaller cities, like us, have our own power companies, which means we usually get our power back much faster. Like you, my parents have lost power for about a week, too, at times. We’ve never lost it for more than a day. I hope our luck holds…

            I’ve never had fish and chips on newspaper! Usually waxed paper in a paper or plastic basket or simply on a paper plate. Summer pleasures. 🙂 And I’ve never had malt vinegar on them, either. Here in New England it’s all about the tartar sauce! 🙂

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