14 thoughts on “wordless wednesday”

    1. Yes, thank you, Joanne! It’s on a blanket chest I use as a sideboard in my dining room. That early morning I walked by and happened to notice a sunbeam lighting it up for just a few minutes…

  1. My playful sister came up with a few words for my Wordless Wednesday. 🙂

    “A still life photographic image of a sunbeam that traces across a small angel statuette, a wooden bowl of pine cones and dried flowers, and a white metal candle holder in the shape of a garden pergola.”

    1. You are very observant, Leelah! 🙂 In my ten years of blogging you are the first person to notice it, or at least to mention it to me. 😉
      I am now following both of your blogs. Your book arrived yesterday and was added to my “to read” stack. It looks very interesting, especially with the music to go along with some of the chapters.

  2. How nice this is! I love the angel/light energy. It’s like a whisper from Spirit that we can relax and be reassured. All is well, even though it doesn’t look like it, couldn’t look like it. But the angel and light point the way back to a place in us that knows it. I am remembering that place now.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! “A whisper from Spirit,” indeed. It did feel like a comforting message, gently delivered. The knowing of it comes and goes for me, and also the need for reassurance. The etymology of the word angel comes from the Greek word ἄγγελος, which translates to “messenger.” Many blessings to you, my friend. ♡

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