due date

Larisa ~ 10.31.18
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The due date has arrived! It seems this baby plans on being late, too. Larisa is very uncomfortable and trying her best to be patient.

Tim has returned from Connecticut and has resumed taking Katherine to and from daycare. I’m doing laundry and cooking and we’ve both been helping out where needed.

Katherine is excited about Halloween and her best friend is coming over soon to go trick-or-treating with her. We have birthday celebrations scheduled for the next two days and another one next week. (Tim, Dominic and Dima) Lots of activity and a bit too much stimulation for me, but I’m pacing myself with periodic escapes to my room.

Dima got an early birthday present from his family, a combination smoker and grill. We’ve been having some fantastic dinners while we continue to wait for baby. 🙂

3 thoughts on “due date”

  1. For those following along there is late breaking news. We were awoken at 12:05 AM November 1st being informed water had broken and Larisa and Dima were leaving for the hospital to await delivery.

  2. How exciting! (the late breaking news, that is.) By now maybe you will have had another grandbaby! I am glad you are caring for and pacing yourself too, Barbara.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! Sorry I haven’t responded sooner, but with all the excitement I have neglected my blog. I’m glad I got this picture when I did because Finn was born the next day!

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