wishing for snow

2.22.15 ~ two years ago… Groton, Connecticut

It’s been three weeks (and two days) since Tim’s surgery and healing is coming along nicely, slowly and steadily, without any of the possible complications making an appearance. Visiting nurses continue to come three times a week to take measurements and change the wound dressing. Since we were told to expect a four to six week recovery time it looks like everything is going very well. Tim is comfortable in his recliner.

Sadly, while Tim was in the hospital his uncle died and then a couple of days after he got home his sister-in-law died. So many things at once…

We’ve only had one big snowstorm this January (the day after surgery so I couldn’t visit Tim that day) so I’m still waiting patiently for some snow. As long as it doesn’t come on a day when we are scheduled to visit the surgeon for follow-up appointments! The weather report indicates this spring-like weather pattern will give way to a more natural and snowy February. I do hope so!

7 thoughts on “wishing for snow”

    1. Thank you, Sybil. As I recall, you had more than your share of snow last winter so enjoy the mild weather this time around. 🙂

  1. thanks for the update on Tim, good to know he’s doing well Barbara and in recovery after his operation…we had a little snow one evening a couple of weeks ago, it washed away the following morning, lots of frosts this year and more mist than usual, love from Tai

    1. The visiting nurse just left this morning ~ it’s amazing how the body heals itself with a little help from silver dressings, which seem to kill super-bugs better than standard antibiotics. And feeding him lots of protein. Winter frosts and mists sound lovely, too! *hugs*

    1. Thank you so much, Timi, for the nomination and your kind words about my blog. I don’t want to be a grinch but years ago I decided not to participate in the blogging award process, which overwhelms me. But I do appreciate so much that you thought of me! 🙂

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