muffled steps outside

“In the Christmas Night” by John Bauer

The snow is lying very deep.
My house is sheltered from the blast.
I hear each muffled step outside,
I hear each voice go past.

But I’ll not venture in the drift
Out of this bright security,
Till enough footsteps come and go
To make a path for me.

~ Agnes Lee
(The Second Book of Modern Verse:
A Selection from the Work of Contemporaneous American Poets

12 thoughts on “muffled steps outside”

  1. Muffled snow steps in the snow. Who knows what lurks outside these December days? Blessings my friend, as the light retreats and our spirit needs shine brighter in the darkness.

    1. Who knows? But I’ve felt their energy near the trees ever since I was a little girl. Many blessings to you, too, dear Kathy, and may your spirit continue to shine brightly during this festive season.

    1. When I was little I used love going out in our woods after it snowed. There were so many fresh footsteps to follow to little burrows or to the base of trees where squirrels had scurried up the trunk.

  2. Those little creatures remind me of Icelandic elves and trolls–the good kind! I’ll b visiting there in May and hope to bring back a little elf statuette. One of the places I’ll be staying, Hafnarfjordur, is called the Town of the Hidden People or the Town of the Elves! 🙂

    Thank you for this lovely post!

    1. You’re welcome, Timi! How wonderful, a trip to Iceland! Definitely on my bucket list. We went to Norway in May 2015, fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine. Would love to go see the northern lights in Norway or Iceland some day. I’m looking forward to seeing a picture of your little elf and reading about your adventures in Iceland!

      1. Thank you, Barbara! I certainly will keep you posted about my Iceland trip. My AirBnB hosts in Hafnarfjordur have already given me some tips about where to find a good elf statuette! 🙂

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