little baby

…Nate and Katie, 10 days old…

You’ll have to forgive me for sharing another batch of pictures! I am home now from my grand adventure – a thrill of a lifetime! I had the joy of seeing my granddaughter born and the privilege of seeing her and holding her every day for the first few weeks of her life. I was delighted to have her smile at me quite a few times.


…Katie, 12 days old…

One day while there I emailed Tim and told him how I wished we lived next door to Dima & Larisa. He wrote back, “I am NOT moving to North Carolina!” And I do agree with him – I don’t care for the hot, humid, sub-tropical climate down there. On my flight returning home, when the plane came down from the clouds and I could see Boston and the harbor, a tear of happiness came down my cheek. Home sweet home – New England! I was gone for six weeks, the longest time I have ever been away from Tim and home. What an incurable homebody I am!

…Katie, 15 days old…

But there will surely be many trips to North Carolina in the future, and the kids have promised to come up north for the winter holidays. Maybe we will show Katie her first snowfall! She has such bright eyes and when she’s not sleeping she is gazing around, taking in all the sights and sounds. Pure awareness. Babies are a gift of spirit…


…Katie, 20 days old…

Zoë missed me. Last night she slept on my lap for a couple of hours and protested with loud meows when I tried to get up to go to bed. But she followed me to bed and snuggled until I fell asleep. I think all is right in her world again.

…Larisa and Katie, 22 days old…

I see you young and soft oh little baby
Little feet, little hands, little baby
One year of crying and the words creep up inside
Creep into your mind
So much to say
~ Dave Matthews
♫ (So Much to Say) ♫


…one last snuggle, Barbara and Katie, 23 days old…

18 thoughts on “little baby”

  1. No need for forgiveness Barbara, I would be upset with you if you didn’t share your beautiful granddaughter with us! It’s so exciting to see her grow, to look into those gorgeous eyes full of awareness and knowing, and to hear the joy in your words. Happy tears and hearts full of love. <3

    1. Thank you, Joanne! I never wanted to be one of those grandmothers who go on and on about their grandchildren, but now I remember why they do. 🙂

  2. Oh, what a beautiful baby girl!! You look so happy and content holding her. I was thinking how fortunate you are to have spent 6 weeks. When my grandson was born in January I only got to be there for less than a week (Mom wanted to bond with hubby more) and I had to wrench myself away. I share your love of New England, too. Love being near the kids, but don’t want to move south. You’ll have lots more sharing time, I’m sure.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I think Tim can relate to how you felt – Katie was two weeks late and he had to return to Connecticut before she was born! Then the week after she was born he came for a weekend but had to return home right away. I was there for 19 days before Katie was born, and 24 days after she was born, just a little over three weeks.

      That’s interesting that you don’t want to move south either. It seems most retirees want to move south! We must be a rare breed. 🙂

  3. Oh so sweet. This Grandma-wannabe is most jealous. Wonderful post just oozing with love and caring. You can post more pics of your new grand baby any time you want.

    1. Thank you, Sybil, as long as Larisa keeps me sending me daily cell phone pictures I am sure some of them will find their way onto this blog. May you become a grandma, too, in the not-too-distant future!

  4. My heart is melting. My youngest grandchild is now 2 – and I miss (already!) that new baby smell and sound. Glad you had this incomparable time with your granddaughter.

    1. Thanks so much, Pam. Oh how quickly the time passes – the little one is 10 months old now and crawling around exploring her world. And you know well what a blessing grandchildren are!

    1. Thank you, Diane! I am happy you enjoyed the pictures – I keep meaning to post some more but every time I see Katie I wind up playing with her and forgetting to take pictures!

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