a joyful weekend

6.21.14 ~ Colchester, Connecticut
6.21.14 ~ Colchester, Connecticut

I’m using these photos from the summer solstice at Janet’s to illustrate this post because I didn’t take many usable pictures of the two joyful indoor events we attended this past weekend. It was a welcome change of pace to enjoy the associations and conversations without incessantly taking pictures. (And my indoor pictures never come out very well…)
6.21.14 ~ Colchester, Connecticut

Larisa & Dima flew up from North Carolina to attend a baby shower I threw for her on Saturday in the clubhouse here at our condo complex. (With a lot of assistance from a few of her very creative friends!) So many of the important women in her life were able to attend, including some who traveled a great distance to get here! Larisa was glowing!
6.21.14 ~ Colchester, Connecticut

And then on Sunday we drove up to New Hampshire to attend the wedding of Tim’s cousin, Allegra, and her new husband Dan. It was supposed to be outside, but there was a backup plan in case of rain, and it was needed, as thunderstorm after thunderstorm came rumbling through the mountains. We are so happy for the new families being created, and I was thrilled to feel a kick from my new granddaughter as I rested my hand on Larisa’s tummy…
6.21.14 ~ Colchester, Connecticut

16 thoughts on “a joyful weekend”

  1. The photographs you used to illustrate your “new families” post are perfect! I’m glad the shower and wedding were both wonderful events where you didn’t feel obliged to be “the photographer.”

    1. It seemed like all the excitement and activity lulled the little one. Larisa later reported that the baby started kicking up a storm after she left the wedding reception. But at least I got to feel the one!

    1. They are as bright as sunshine, aren’t they? I had never heard of the “potato chip” description – is that their call or the sound their wings make? We rarely had goldfinches at our feeders when I was growing up so I’m not familiar with them.

  2. How wonderful!!!! I am so happy for you and Tim in the anticipation of a grandchild. Nothing on earth is better. Susan, your neighbor

    1. Thank you, Susan! I agree, I cannot think of anything better than welcoming a new grandchild into our family. It was so nice to cross paths with you at the beach yesterday. 🙂

  3. So glad such blessings and happiness is filling your life, Barbara! We have a finch feeder right near the dining room window and we love to watch the goldfinches (or wild canaries). They are such precious and interesting birds! XO <3

    1. Thank you, Diane! I don’t remember seeing goldfinches at my father’s bird feeders, but you never know what I might have missed. When I was a child my parents had a bird feeder attached to the outside of the dining room window, too! I remember my mother rapping on the window to chase away squirrels and blue jays. 🙂

  4. My glowing was from how lucky I am to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. I hope you’ll get to feel the baby kicking more in the months to come. 🙂

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