a tree faerie dedicated to sharing his love and respect for trees

Bonsai Treehouse created by Craig & Michelle Nelson, Nelson Designs, LLC
Bonsai Treehouse created by Craig & Michelle Nelson, Nelson Designs, LLC

Wabi Sabi is a tree faerie dedicated to sharing his love and respect for trees. He inspires the artists to see the greatness of the variety of trees on the property. His house is in a Japanese maple nestled in this leafy bush. It is the ideal setting for him to watch over the magnificent trees surrounding Miss Florence’s boardinghouse. From his home he can easily fly to inspect a spruce, elm, pine, or walnut tree. If he ventures farther afield, he can console the weeping willow, take a walk along the beech branch, or even pine away at the top of the evergreens.
~ Wee Faerie Village: Land of Picture Making

10.12.12 ~ Old Lyme, Connecticut
10.12.12 ~ Old Lyme, Connecticut

The power of imagination makes us infinite.
~ John Muir
(John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir)

10.12.12 ~ Old Lyme, Connecticut
10.12.12 ~ Old Lyme, Connecticut

Remember back in July, when Tim & I started to discuss adopting a couple of cats? (Two Cats in the Yard?)

Remember back in October when I started posting pictures of all the little fairy dwellings in the Wee Faerie Village at the Florence Griswold Museum? I found a couple more that I never got around to posting… (Windwood Faeriegrounds)

Remember back in November when my sister-in-law Fran’s feral cat, Zoë, decided to make friends with me? (Second Day of Christmas)

Zoë ~ 12.26.12 ~ Woodbridge, Virginia

Well, back in November, it would seem that Zoë was sensing a shift in energy, somehow knowing that changes were afoot. As it turns out her family is moving from Virginia to Germany this month, and Zoë and her sister needed a new home. So they arrived here to live with us last weekend and they are slowly settling in. They don’t feel at home here yet – who could blame them after a long car ride and leaving the only home they’ve ever known – but when they do feel a little more comfortable I will take some pictures. Zoë is very affectionate and talkative, purring when petted, but her sister, Scarby, is still hiding under the stairs in the basement, only coming out to eat and use the litter pan. It looks like it will take her longer to warm up to the idea of living here.

26 thoughts on “a tree faerie dedicated to sharing his love and respect for trees”

    1. Happy you enjoyed the Bonsai Treehouse pictures, Charles. I found a book on cat behavior and now have a few ideas for making them feel more at home. Never adopted an adult cat with a history before…

    1. So far so good, Sybil. I’m sleeping with my bedroom door closed. We’ll see what happens when they start spending more time in the living room – there is always benadryl!

  1. Hi. Cats are so different and yet they share a measure of ‘catness’. Your Zoe is beautiful, with the little flecks of gold in her coat. Jane

    1. Catness! I love it, Jane! I tried addressing Zoë as ‘Your Royal Catness’ and she was unimpressed, in typical cat-fashion. It’s fun getting to know her and Olga…

    1. It is wonderful for us and I hope Zoë and Olga will eventually be content to live here, too.

    1. Thank you, Sheryl. Things are going well with the kitties – Zoë seems to be a morning cat and Olga is an evening one – they aren’t usually active at the same time…

  2. I hope the cats settle in (and your allergy can cope with them). The bonsai tree house is cute, though I’m not a great fan of bonsai as it usually cuts the roots and I prefer trees to be more natural.

    1. Allergy seems okay so far, although I did have a migraine the other night that didn’t respond to medication very well. I like natural looking vegetation, too – wish I could get the condo groundskeepers to stop trimming the top off one of my bushes – I dislike the unnatural flat surface. Grrr…

  3. How very kind of you to take the cats in, especially if you have allergies. I liked looking at the little bonsai tree house. Didn’t know Wabi Sabi was a tree faerie!

    1. It’s kind of funny, Kathy, I was not acquainted with the design concept of wabi sabi until Robin and Terrill mentioned it on their blogs recently. How interesting that the creator of this bonsai tree house chose to use the name for a fairy!

  4. What an incredibly special girl Zoe is, she knew you were her new person…she chose you, didn’t she? What a beautiful story Barbara. I know they will settle in before too long and both of your new girls will become loving and loyal (well, as loyal as cats can be!) members of your family. 🙂

    1. I do like to think that Zoë chose me, Joanne. She certainly set things in motion! My green-eyed girl and I spend our mornings together and Olga seems to be a night owl like Tim. I’d like to get a picture of Zoë & Olga together but so far they don’t seem to be spending much time with each other, unless they do so when we’re not around. 🙂

      1. Animals don’t have any use for words, they interact with us though our souls. It seems to me that both Zoe and Olga chose both you AND Tim! They are very special girls. 🙂

        1. What a wonderful thought, Joanne – with each passing day they have become more and more precious to us and we’re starting to feel like a family. 🙂

  5. Thanks for giving me the link to this post Barbara.
    What a lovely pet adoption story – so nice for the cats to stay together and stay in the family. If you have allergies its very important to not allow the cats into your bedroom.
    Interesting that Zoe chose you and Olga chose Tim!

    1. You’re welcome, Rosie. Zoë and Olga are sisters, litter-mates, and in their first home they were close friends and were often seen grooming each other. But after their long car ride here, Olga seems to be angry with Zoë, and is still hissing at her when their paths cross. But Zoë seems to be supremely happy to be living here in spite of Olga’s mood!

        1. Perhaps Olga is more sensitive to disruptions in her routine and she now associates Zoë with the big change? That’s so nice you had an Olga, too! 🙂

  6. Oh, thank you for taking in Zoe and Olga, Barbara … its amazing how different their personalities can be and takes time and patience, but I am sure Olga will find her way out of hiding and into the love of her new home. The pictures are lovely and hope you are well! XO

    1. Things are going pretty well so far, Diane. Olga is coming out more often and we’re thinking of creating a space for her under the stairs to the second floor – if she’ll have it – I worry about her being too cold under the basement stairs. Zoë is getting more and more playful each day. 🙂

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