a spirit in all music

“Young Woman Playing a Guitar Before a Piano” by Anna Ancher
“Young Woman Playing a Guitar Before a Piano”
by Anna Ancher

Music became a healer for me, and I learned to listen with all my being.
~ Eric Clapton
(Clapton: The Autobiography)

I let my music take me where my heart wants to go.
~ Cat Stevens
♫ (The Wind) ♫

There is a spirit in all music, the spirit has the ability to conjure up thoughts even pictures of something that happened or you wished would happen or you anticipate happening. Music has the ability to create ideas in you and me. It has the ability to encourage us to be creative.
~ Maya Angelou
(Facebook, August 25, 2010)

18 thoughts on “a spirit in all music”

  1. Hi,
    What a wonderful painting, it does truly bring out the joy of music, with just a slight touch of romance about it all, very beautifully done.
    I also love the quotes as well, especially the quote by Cat Stevens.

    1. Thank you, Mags. There is something about Anna Ancher’s paintings that captivates me. And I really do have to share more of Cat Stevens’ song lyrics – they meant so much to me as a teen and still resonate today…

  2. Another wonderful post! It always amazes me how you are able to find wonderful pictures and quotes that fit together so perfectly.

    1. Thank you, Sheryl! It seems to be an addiction for me, I really need to spend more time on housework but the quote and picture combos just keep popping up on my radar screen!

    1. I love Eric Clapton’s words, too, as listening to music has always been healing for me, too…

  3. Hi. When music is missing from my life, I never get along as well as when it is a daily experience. The idea of someone playing one musical instrument before another is interesting. To me it means that one thread of music is always accompanied by another. Jane

    1. Hi, Jane – I need my daily dose of music to function well, too. 🙂 The painting makes me think of my dad, who played both piano and the guitar, most often around bedtime as I drifted off to sleep. I wondered how he decided which one to play each night… I saw Jackson Browne solo in concert once and he switched back and forth between a piano and his guitars for different songs, causing me to wonder again…

  4. Music gives the true essence for our life. It tunes our mind, our thoughts & imaginations. There’s no single day we can imagine without music. Listening to music is as lively & fun as creating the music. Knowing keyboard, I can tell that when you create the tunes and get them right the happiness it brings has no bounds. The picture is perfect for the words in your post Barbara. I’m sure most of us have watched the movies “The sound of music” & “Singing in the Rain” I still love to watch them over & over. May you have a musical day ahead! 😀

    1. Thank you, Sonali! “The Sound of Music” was watched with joy all the time here when my kids were growing up. It’s kind of funny because none of us can carry a tune or play an instrument well, but we all LOVE music, especially live music performed outside, under the stars. It is truly one of life’s many blessings! Happy notes to you, too, my friend!

  5. It is a beautiful painting, Barbara, and you chose wonderful quotes to accompany it. Feeling the music in your post… Happy Cinco de Mayo!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! Perhaps you’re hearing the music from our place, too – honestly, I don’t think I could ever get my chores done without some energetic music almost blaring in the background, or enjoy a quiet dinner without some soothing music playing softly in the background…

  6. Barbara this is another painting that I would love to have in my home, and the piano looks just like mine. Two of my children play piano, and three of them have guitars. We always have music in our lives, couldn’t live without it. 🙂

    1. How lucky you are to have in-house musicians, Joanne!!! Nothing quite like live music… It would be very cool to have this painting hanging over your piano since the pianos look the same. 🙂

  7. I MUST share this, Barbara, as music is at the heart of all I am and do. The painting is one I hadn’t seen before and I LOVE! And…Cat Stevens…sweet listening memories of my youth… Lovely post.

    1. Thanks for the share, Diane! Cat Stevens’ music always took me where my heart wanted to go, all those years ago when we were very young… “Oh very young…” ♥

  8. For so many years now I’ve often fallen asleep to the sound of my youngest son singing while playing his piano or guitar downstairs. He’s excited to be moving into a place of his own this week. I just realized now how much I’ll miss his music once he’s gone 🙁

    1. Oh Amy-Lynn, I can just imagine how very much you’re going to miss your son’s lullabies… 🙁 Nothing lasts forever except cherished memories, which linger and become ever sweeter as time goes by!

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