in the hospital

Hello, my readers. Tim (my husband, Mr. Logic himself – doctors are always surprised at his analytical answers to their questions…) is in the hospital for a few days with diverticulitis. Of course, the stiff-upper-lipped and silent sufferer endured his symptoms for a week before seeking treatment. The walk-in care clinic doctor gave him antibiotics on Thursday, which didn’t work, so by Sunday he was in so much pain I took him to the urgent care clinic. They did a CAT-scan to eliminate the possibility of kidney stones, found the diverticulitis, and admitted him to the hospital. They’ve got him on morphine and two different antibiotic infusions and a clear liquid diet.

We had jello for dinner last night.

Predictably I woke up with a migraine this morning (stress hormones), but I popped a Zomig and am doing some laundry and dishes before I head over the bridge to see my patient, who has already emailed me on his fancy Android gadget. I see my scheduled quote/picture combo posted here this morning, so I thought I’d let you all know why I’m not responding to comments for a while. I’ll return as soon as possible!

19 thoughts on “in the hospital”

  1. Take care. And take it easy on yourself. It is harder to be the one “watching” the sick partner. Thoughts will be with both of you the next couple of days.

  2. I am so very familiar with the stiff-upper-lip/ silent-sufferer situation. We have one of those in our family too. Bless them….and us πŸ™‚

    Rick went through a very similar time ten years ago but all has been well since. Please give Tim our best wishes.

    Hugs and blessings to both of you.

    1. So you’ve got one, too… Yes, bless us all with our various quirks – it’s a wonder the variety of characters that form a family. πŸ™‚

      I will let Tim know about Rick’s experience. He keeps asking the doctor how he can prevent this from happening again and she tells him that it may never happen again, it is most often a once in a lifetime occurrence. Our son was hospitalized for it seven years ago and has not had another episode, so I hope Tim will find this all encouraging.

      Thank you, Colleen, for the hugs and blessings!

  3. Hi Barbara,
    Terribly sorry to hear Hubby is sick. My thoughts are with both of you, I wish you both the very best, and I’m sure Hubby will be back home with you in no time.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and good wishes – it looks like today is the day! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep him from dialing into work for a few more days… πŸ™‚

  4. Sorry to hear about this! Both Tim in the hospital~~and your migraine. Take your time getting back to us as you tend your patient. And yourself. Much love & healing to both of you…

    1. Thank you, Kathy! On the first day he asked me to bring both his laptops to the hospital, but he was too sick to use them. By yesterday he was enjoying surfing the net, sitting in the recliner. I was blogging in his hospital bed with his other laptop set up on a cafeteria tray. The nurses thought we were cute. πŸ™‚ I have a feeling he’s going to be a handful when we get home, but I’m ready for him!

    1. Oh dear, have you had diverticulitis more than once, Flamingo Dancer? Our son also had it bad enough to be hospitalized seven years ago. Tim’s feeling better, but not back up to speed yet. Looks like it will take longer to recuperate than he had hoped. πŸ™‚

      Welcome to “By the Sea!”

  5. Thank you all for your concern and well wishes. I am home again, on three antibiotics, and feeling better bit by bit. The aggravation of the whole event is worsened by my not knowing what I ate to cause such an illness. I have not had nuts or anything with small seeds in months.
    The hospital and staff were wonderful but it was a very good feeling to be back home in my own bed and being fed gruel by my loving wife Barbara again. (I jest about he gruel, although this morning’s oatmeal looks gruelish, even though it tastes very good.)
    Thanks again for all the well wishes!

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