giving thanks

“Autumn Landscape” by Vincent van Gogh

We’ve missed our traditional Thanksgiving celebration for the last two years, once due to a death in the family and then because our hostess extraordinaire was recuperating from surgery. It looks as if all systems are “go” this year, and we’re off to Virginia soon in a caravan of cars for a feast and grand re-connection with Tim’s side of the family. My daughter and nieces are scheming with me for a surprise for my dearly loved sister-in-law, so there is a lot of excitement in the air. It will be so good to get a change of scenery and catch up with family happenings!

Even though things have not been easy lately, I’m very thankful for the many blessings I’m still aware of in my life. The abundant gifts our mother, Earth, offers us… Family near and far away, friends, old and new ones found recently in the blogosphere… Artists and writers past and present who have shared their inspired pictures and words, themselves really… Scientists and naturalists who help me to keep my sense of wonder and awe… Musicians who bring joy to my heart… I’m full of memories of special times with people I’ve loved and still miss, and am full of warm thoughts for those I love and have with me now. I am grateful for all these connections!

Wishing everyone a blessed Thanksgiving!

13 thoughts on “giving thanks”

  1. Lots of fond memories of Thanksgiving, and this year should be even better now that we won’t be distracted by the Black Friday event.

    1. So true… Never thought I’d miss the menfolk watching football or half-dozing on the couch, sedated with tryptophan from the turkey, before Black Friday took over the festivities. 🙂

  2. And I’m grateful you are in my world, enriching it with your perspectives and sharings of yourself!!!! Have a most marvelous trip and holiday!

  3. Barbara, this is a wonderful and thoughtful post. Though we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Greece, your words gave me a pause for thought that I consider worthy of the ideal. A dear friend of mine who has been staying with us for the last couple of weeks has just set off again on his journeys and I’m left with that strange glow of sadness mingled with warmth that comes with these partings. But ultimately, like you, I’m thankful; for having the time to spend in a friend’s company, with words and images, with the natural world and its creatures around us. And thanks to you, for making those connections for me today….Wishing you a lovely holiday.

    1. Thank you, Julian, your comment made me think of a couple of things…

      The first was Romeo’s words in Shakespeare’s play, “Parting is such sweet sorrow…” The words seem to describe that “strange glow of sadness” you mentioned, saying farewell to friends and family as well as lovers. I’m glad you had a good visit with your friend and a chance to renew old ties. When visits come to an end, as they must, I try to remember what the wise old Dr. Seuss said, “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”

      The second concerned Thanksgiving in Greece. We actually had a Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant in Athens in November of 1973. It must have been an American restaurant, but as a teenager I didn’t really pay attention to such details. 🙂 It was a large group of our new friends, most of them Americans, but also a couple of folks from Canada, Germany, Lebanon, Yugoslavia and Greece. Turkey with all the trimmings! As I recall, everyone was very pleased with the feast!

      Thanks for stopping by, Julian – I always enjoy your visits!

  4. Thank you for the well wishes on Thanksgiving! I return the abundance of wishes back to you and your family!
    Wave when you go by on the New Jersey turnpike !


    1. I waved on the way down and again on the way home, Jeff! Maybe some day we’ll have fewer folks with us and a chance to stop by and say hello… Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

  5. I’m grateful you’re here, sharing your interesting thoughts, images and experiences with us. Thanks, Barbara! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

    1. Home safe and sound, if a little worse for wear (see next post). Thank you, too, Kathy, for your friendship, for introducing me to WordPress, and for sharing your delightful sense of humor post after post. 🙂

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